DAC Activity Groups

For the Children
Celebrating Holidays together has been a popular tradition; the adults get out of the house after a busy week and the kids get to play with new and old friends. We celebrate such traditional events as Fastelavn and Christmas, and the members volunteer to host or arrange events that are interesting for the children.

Tøseaften (Girls Night Out)
Danish speaking women meeting monthly for an evening of hygge (Girls Night Out), friendship, and interesting discussions. If you understand Danish well, but speak it hesitantly, we would still love to see you. Bring a drink for yourself and a shareable snack. We meet the first Friday of the month at 7 pm at the Danish American Center. Occasionally, we have additional events, one being a traditional lækker julefrokost. If you would like more information or wish to be on the invite list, please contact Annette Dunford at tulipsmile@icloud.com or Anette Petersen at anettespetersen@yahoo.com. We would love to have you join us!
Fyraften (Guy’s night)
Enjoy a time of good food and fellowship for the men of the DAC, ages 18+. They take turns preparing meals and doing the cleanup. While some will speak in Danish, that is not a requirement. The group meets on the last Friday of every month from September-May.
Reading Circle
A group of members interested in reading Danish
Book Club (Bogklub)
Reading Danish/Nordic Literature across the Centuries.
Books have always been an important part of the culture in Denmark. Members in our Danish Reading Circle recall that their Danish ancestors, who emigrated to America, were involved in book discussion groups in various communities in the United States. Our current group at the Danish American Center is continuing this tradition in the 21st century.
The Danish Reading Circle at the Danish American Center was founded in 2001 by Danish speakers, Anne Ipsen and Gitte Mohr, in order to provide an opportunity for Danish speaking members in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area to read and discuss Danish literature in the Danish language. The group then expanded to include English speakers, who read English translations of the original Danish literature. In this way, both Danish speakers and English speakers could read and discuss the same books.
The current Danish Reading Circle reads classic and popular literature with a Danish or Nordic Connection across a variety of time periods and involving a number of genres (fiction, memoirs, crime/mystery, historical fiction, etc.). Books are chosen by members, who vote for 8 books using a list compiled from books recommended by Danish and other sources and those submitted by members of the Danish Reading Circle.
In our current group, literature with a Danish Connection involves reading fiction books, memoirs, etc. which focus on one, or more, of the following:
- Are written by a Danish author
- Were originally written in Danish (with an English translation)
- Take place in Denmark
- Take place in the Danish autonomous countries of the Faroe Islands and Greenland
- Chronicle the experiences of immigrants to Denmark
- Chronicle the Viking experience
- Chronicle the Danish immigrant experience in America
- Involve characters who are of Danish/American descent
- In addition to books with a Danish Connection, we may also read Nordic (Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish) literature.
The books being read and discussed may have both a Danish and English version. Members choose which version to read. The book discussions are in English. The discussions are open and free flowing. If we have a guest discussion leader, he or she may provide us with guided questions. Some of the newer books may have a study guide, author biography and/or website to help guide us in the discussion. Although it is recommended that the book to be discussed be completely read before each monthly discussion, participants are still encouraged to come for the discussion even if they haven't read the entire book.
Being a part of a book discussion group is a wonderful way to get to know other members of the Danish American Center.
Virke = Work + Lyst = Willingness
Virkelyst is a continuously evolving social organization whose aim is to further the goals first set out in 1938 in new, contemporary and fun ways. Our intergenerational women's club of willing workers supports the DAC and charities that primarily support women and children.
Monthly Programs include a wide variety of topics, such as guest or members speaking on anything from travels to Antarctica, service dogs, various charity organizations, or wine tasting! We meet every month other than July and August, with our December Christmas gathering well known to be a highlight for members and their guests. Meetings have often included Virkelyst members offering their ideas and eagerly putting together items for charity. our meetings also include social time, concluding with coffee and dessert. New members are always welcome!
We expect all members to be active members of the Danish American Center and pay annual dues of $25.00 for membership into Virkelyst. You can do this on the DAC website through the DONATE tab. Select Virkelyst dues from the dropdown. Otherwise send your membership in to the DAC and let Cathy Mahowald know at cmahowald@hutchtel.net or call her at 612-845-5562.
Founded in 1938
Dannebrog Dancers

If dancing is truly the physical expression of the soul's joy, then these are happy folks indeed. Since 1967 a group calling themselves, Dannebrog Dancers, has been learning and practicing, teaching and performing the traditional folk dances of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Though meeting primarily to enjoy their mutual love of dancing, opportunities to perform for others are certainly not ignored. It is a chance to educate others about traditional costumes and the stories behind the dances, the things that improve cultural understanding and broaden the experience of the audience as well.The dancing groups usually meet frequently. No need to know Danish or Nordic dancing steps as the group is happy to teach newcomers of all ages. Watch the calendar in the DANews for up to date information. Most often the dancing takes place in the DAC atrium.