From the President

The holidays are here. Festive events are scheduled throughout December, throughout the building. Our construction project across from the Kaffestue, with maybe names – Tivoli Kantet (Tivoli Corner) or Tivoli Lounge – is completed and open for use. We hope you will enjoy this bright and versatile new space. It was designed by Poul Bertelsen, who donated his architectural services for the plans (and who also designed the Atrium, with which this new space is in harmony). The project was worked on by too many volunteers to name who gave their energy, time and sweat. You know who you are – tusind tak to you all!! I also wanted to especially call out and thank Bruce Simpson for leading (and doing) the actual construction of the project, Glen Olsen and Ron Grand for getting the permits and driving the project through day-to-day to completion, and Karina Allen for her excellent painting these past months, including painting our many walls in the new space, the living room, and the north porch office, and for painting our rolling bar white to match the new space. As we head into 2022, best wishes to all of our wonderful members, volunteers, friends and supporters from the Executive Committee, from the Board, from Tina and René in the office/caretaking, and from me! Glædelig jul og godt nytår!
Rikke Dierssen-Morice